Sunday, October 4, 2009

Donkey tail

Here are the donkey tails.
They like this spot more than most plants
Location gets blasted by the afternoon sun.
They are doing good.

bamboo island

This is suppose to represent Hawaii, but that is another story I need to tell.
We have the bamboo somewhat contained by a plastic liner buried in the ground.
I had to do "escape control" this summer for the first time. I figure I'll need to do that about every 2-3 years from now on. I am thinking of changing this area to a hollywood juniper in the future.
I have the hollywood juniper growing now in the nursery area in case I decide to make the change later.

It is nice to have something tall to create shade in this location as I BBQ just to the left and to the left is where the shade goes in the summer afternoons.

Sago Palm

This sago palm was at my mothers house for years so it is special to me.
I guess it is happy enough in this location to get started with a new set of leaves.
It is fun to see the sago palm send out new leaves since it happens so fast.